

Devotional Meetings

We bring people of all backgrounds and beliefs together in prayer, song and meditation. They reflect the diverse cultural character of local communities and seek to stimulate meaningful conversations that can lead to action. As worship is linked with acts of service, a unifying spirit begins to permeate the community. Gatherings are held wherever "the mention of God [can] be made."

Community Building

In neighborhoods across the country, Baha’is and their friends are engaged in a community building process that cultivates love and translates it into action.

It’s no secret that America is going through a tumultuous time. Tensions and divisions surface every day, reminding us that the stains of injustice and racial prejudice are set deeply in the fabric of our society. Baha’is are committed to reshaping society around principles of oneness – such as love, inclusivity and reciprocity. We hope to join hands with the countless like-minded people working for these same goals, and invite everyone to take a look at our approach.

Study Circles for Youth & ADULTS

Bahá’ís and their friends are engaged in the systematic study of sacred Baha'i writings in an environment that is at once serious and uplifting.  We strive to apply, through a process of action, reflection, and consultation, the insights thus gained, and see our capacity to serve rise to new levels.

Spiritual Education classes for Children

The Baha'i writings place a special emphasis on the importance of education, describing it as the "primary, the most urgent requirement" for acheiving the prosperity of the nations.   Baha'u'llah states: "Knowledge is as wings to man's life, and a ladder for his ascent.  Its acquisition is incumbent upon everyone."  "Every child is potentially the light of the world -- and at the same time its darkness."  

Aware of the aspirations of the children of the world and their need for spiritual education, Bahá’ís and their friends hold classes, open to all children (ages 5 to 11) focused on developing a strong moral character and a desire to serve all humanity.  Classes include songs, stories, arts, prayers, and games, as well as service projects.  For example; making greeting cards for the sick and baking cookies for their neighbors. 

Junior YOuth spiritual Empowerment Program

The period between the ages of 12 and 15 represents a special time in the life of an individual, for it is during these years that he or she leaves childhood behind and undergoes profound change.  Not yet in the fullness of youth, individuals in this age range are often refered to as "junior youth."  

For the Baha’i community, engaging junior youth in activiteies that seek to enhance their capacities and prepare them to participate effectively in the affairs of their communities has been a significant area of leaning for many years.  The junior youth spiritual empowerment program, developed through the efforts of a range of institutions and agencies in different part of the world, is one of the fruits of this learning process.  The program is based on the conviction that the short and critical period of your adolescence represents a time of transition during which ideas about the individual and society, which shapes the rest of one's life , are formed.  
